Featured Jewelry - Week 7

All designs are currently available at BlueCopperJewelry.com
To see more details on any of these pieces, just click on the link directly below the photo.

This week is all about the purple, with an emphasis on February's birthstone Amethyst. Enjoy!


Amethyst and Pearl Bracelet
Amethyst Dangle Earrings
Modern Amethyst Nugget Necklace
Iridescent Crystal Earrings
Plum Pearl Bracelet Gift Set

Happy Birthday Aquarius

Aquarius - the Water Bearer 
1/20 - 2/18

Basic Traits:

Often simple and unassuming, the Aquarius goes about accomplishing goals in a quiet, often unorthodox ways. Although their methods may be unorthodox, the results for achievement are surprisingly effective. Aquarius's will take up any cause, and are humanitarians of the zodiac. They are honest, loyal and highly intelligent. They are also easy going and make natural friendships. If not kept in check, the Aquarius can be prone to sloth and laziness. However, they know this about themselves, and try their best to motivate themselves to action. They are also prone to philosophical thoughts, and are often quite artistic and poetic.

The Deeper Meaning:

Aquarius witnesses to our membership of the human race, and to the importance of the creative activity of humanity. Following Capricorn, which emphasizes the importance of the proper functioning of society, and the need to be a responsible member thereof, Aquarius may be seen as observing the boundaries and structures that people have made for themselves in order to live satisfactorily with each other, and noticing that people can be trapped therein, disabling them from living a fully human life unfettered by duties and responsibilities.

So Aquarius aims to show how to live within society without being bound by it in such a way as to stifle human creative activity. As an air sign, it does this by having an ideal about how life for humanity ought to be - but like all ideals, it has to deal with reality in terms of what human beings are really like, rather than simply how the mind considers they ought to be like, and this can lead to some painful lessons in life.

Aquarius ideals are rarely experienced in isolation. Aquarius is a socially oriented sign, and Aquarius usually function best with others, with friends or in a community of some kind - some may lose their sense of being individual human beings in the process, even to the extent of leaving themselves little to contribute to the associations they belong to.

Aquarius is co-ruled by Uranus, the first planet to be discovered beyond the boundary of Saturn. Uranus is associated with the Age of Enlightenment, when new ideas were flooding into society, many of which were upsetting at first. When Aquarius are functioning properly they may be a disturbing influence, for they bring people's self-imposed limitations to awareness, offering a more enlightened approach. Other features of their birth charts may show how sensitive they are to people's resistance to the ideals they espouse. Some placements of Mars, for instance, may show a determination to ram one's point of view down someone else's throat, never mind whether or not the other person is ready to receive such ideas! Compatibility in love will of course be an issue here.

One implication of the socially oriented nature of Aquarius is that if you have significant planets in the more personal signs (e.g. Aries or Taurus) in your chart, then you may experience your personal needs as getting in the way of your social conscience. Just remember you are a human being with human needs, and there is no shame in admitting them. Indeed, you must honor them in order to fulfill your destiny, for no amount of enlightenment will appeal to people if there is no place to be simply human, and if they see you ignoring or denying your human needs, your ideals will have no lasting appeal.

Featured Jewelry - Week 6

All designs are currently available at BlueCopperJewelry.com
To see more details on any of these pieces, just click on the link directly below the photo. 

As most of the nation is in the grips of Winter's cold embrace, this week I'm looking forward to the rebirth that comes with Spring's arrival. So with that in mind, each piece of this weeks featured jewelry is green! Plus you're getting a great preview of what you could be wearing this upcoming St. Patrick's Day... after all, it's only 2 months away!! ;-)

Green crystal bracelet
Green crystal earrings
Green agate asymmetrical necklace
Emerald green agate and crystal earrings
Olive green agate and pearl bracelet

Featured Jewelry - Week 5

All designs are currently available at BlueCopperJewelry.com
To see more details on any of these pieces, just click on the link directly below the photo. 

Women love chocolate... and flowers. (At least this one does!) But after a week the chocolate is gone and the flowers will have lost their bloom. So what's the best gift to give your gal this Valentine's Day? Jewelry!! This way, months later, when she pulls that bracelet out of her jewelry box she'll remember the day you gave it to her. I swear, it's the gift that keeps on giving! So this week I'm sharing jewelry pieces that celebrate LOVE through the use of hearts. And there's still time for your gifts to arrive in time for the big day... plus the shipping is FREE within the US. Who loves you? I do!! :)


Brass heart and stone earrings
Heart charm bracelet
Green heart stone earrings
Copper and brass heart earrings
Valentine's wrap bracelet

Featured Jewelry - Week 4

All designs are currently available at BlueCopperJewelry.com
To see more details on any of these pieces, just click on the link directly below the photo. 

My jewelry often reflects my own eclectic personal style, so this week I'd like to show off some of my fun resin charms. Each piece is enameled with color before having it's goodies added and filled with a clear, jewelry grade resin. Looking for something specific? Just ask... I'll do custom logos and hand-painted inserts as well! :) 


Coastal Influences Charm
Spring is in Bloom Charm
Little Dipper Dots Charm

Flower Power Charm
Get it in Gear Charm

January Birthstone

Traditionally, a birthstone is associated with each month of the year. For example, the birthstone for January is a garnet, while lucky babies born in April get a diamond as their birthstone.

The origin of birthstones is believed to date back to the breastplate of Aaron which contained twelve gemstones representing the twelve tribes of Israel. The current list dates back to 1912 with only one addition since then – the tanzanite was added to December.

There are numerous legends and myths about birthstone healing powers and their therapeutic influence. According to these legends, wearing a gemstone during its assigned month heightened its healing powers. For the full effect, individuals needed to own all twelve and alternate them monthly.


Garnet, the birthstone for January,  signifies eternal friendship and trust and is the perfect gift for a friend.  Garnet, derived from the word granatum, means seed, and is called so because of the gemstone's resemblance to a pomegranate seed.  References to the gemstone dates back to 3100 B.C., when the Egyptians used garnets as inlays jewelry.  Garnet is the name of a group of minerals that comes in a rainbow of colors, from the deep red of the pyrope garnet to the vibrant green of tsavorites.

 Today, the most important sources for garnet are Africa, Sri Lanka, and India.

Healing powers of Garnet - Aids blood, heart, and lungs and is known to promote romantic love, passion, sensuality, and intimacy.