Happy Birthday Leo

Leo - the Lion 
7/23 - 8/22

Basic Traits:

The zodiac signs and meanings of Leo is about expanse, power and exuberance. Leo's are natural born leaders, and they will let you know it as they have a tendency to be high-minded and vocal about their opinions. That's okay, because if you observe, the Leo is usually correct in his/her statements. Leo's have a savvy way of analyzing a situation and executing swift judgment with a beneficial outcome. It comes from being a leader. They are brave, intuitive, and also head-strong and willful. Beneath their dynamic persona lies a generous, loving, sensitive nature that they do not easily share with others. They might be a bit bossy, but those who know them understand this comes from a source need to do good, not (usually) from an inflated ego.

The Deeper Meaning: 

 Leo emphasized in your birth chart indicates your task is to be as the Sun in the solar system. Consider what the Sun does. It holds everything in place with its magnetism and gravity. It gives out warmth and light to all. It is reliable - it rises in the morning and sets in the evening. Everything benefits from its radiance. Leos, at their best, radiate warmth wherever they go, in such a way as to enhance the lives of those with whom they associate. This they do simply by being themselves rather than as the result of a conscious intention. The reputation that Leos have for being self-centered or egotistical has some reason for its existence, but at their best, Leos know that the appreciation of others is worthless unless it is a response to a genuine warmth exuding from them.

Following the sign of Cancer in the zodiac, Leo signifies the move away from home and family to be an individual in one's own right. This could be an issue for you if your birth chart has any planets in Cancer, as when you are affirming your right to live your own life, you may feel the retrogressive pull of family responsibilities (real or imagined), and perhaps actual pressure may be applied by your family of origin which may not like anyone stepping out of line. Compatibility in love relationships may be an issue here.
However, provided the break is made and one's individuality is allowed to shine, Leos are often drawn towards positions of responsibility as, being like the Sun at the center of things, they are able to have a good overall picture.

Your chart as a whole will provide clues as to what might stand in the way of the Leo quest. For instance, many planets in earth signs (like Virgo) might indicate that you feel held back by mundane matters when what you really want to do is to be fired with imagination and lead. As already indicated, planets in Cancer could also be an issue.

July Birthstone

Traditionally, a birthstone is associated with each month of the year. For example, the birthstone for January is a garnet, while lucky babies born in April get a diamond as their birthstone.

The origin of birthstones is believed to date back to the breastplate of Aaron which contained twelve gemstones representing the twelve tribes of Israel. The current list dates back to 1912 with only one addition since then – the tanzanite was added to December.

There are numerous legends and myths about birthstone healing powers and their therapeutic influence. According to these legends, wearing a gemstone during its assigned month heightened its healing powers. For the full effect, individuals needed to own all twelve and alternate them monthly.


There’s no better way to demonstrate your love than by giving a ruby in celebration of a July birthday. Rubies arouse the senses, stir the imagination, and are said to guarantee health, wisdom, wealth and success in love. Ruby is a variety of the gems species corundum. It is harder than any natural gemstone except diamond, which means a ruby is durable enough for everyday wear. Fine-quality ruby is extremely rare, and the color of the gem is most important to its value. The most prized color is a medium or medium dark vivid red or slightly purplish red. If the gem is too light or has too much purple or orange, it will be called a fancy-color sapphire.

Healing properties of the Ruby - Aiding the emotions is the Ruby's calling card. Also known to increase integrity, devotion, and happiness.