Happy Birthday Virgo

Virgo - the Virgin 
8/23 - 9/22

Basic Traits:

Virgo's have keen minds, and are delightful to talk with, often convincing others of outlandish tales with ease and charm. Virgo's are inquisitive and are very skilled at drawing information from people. This trait also makes them naturally intuitive. Combine this with their remarkable memories, and we see an advanced, analytical personality. However the Virgo needs balance in their lives otherwise they may become short-tempered, impatient and self-serving. Virgo's are excellent teammates in work and social activities. They work well with others, although they freely express their opinions (even when unwarranted).

The Deeper Meaning: 
Every sign rules a part of the body, Virgo the intestines. This provides a vital clue as to the function of Virgo within the whole of humanity. Think of what the intestines do. They take in energy in the form of food, and break it down into its constituent parts. Then they analyze the components and see how they can be made to be useful. Perhaps some will be combined with others, some will be stored for later use, and some will be eliminated as being useless. Virgo takes in substance and discriminates between what is useful and what isn't, and works with it so that it may be more useful still, and thus be of service to humanity. That's the key to it all - service.

Following Leo in the zodiac, Virgo can often enact or bring to fruition what Leo organizes or decides. Virgo usually prefers to exercise a supporting role rather than a managerial one.

Consider the sign opposite, Pisces, which symbolises the waters of life from which we came. Pisceans may have no boundaries, no form, and may feel at home with chaos. As a general rule, Virgo hates chaos, but may be strongly drawn to it! This may raise compatibility issues in love relationships. The challenge for Virgo is to create order out of chaos so that it can be serviceable, but at the same time realising part of its desire to order an unruly world may arise out of fear. Not all of human reality, not all of experience, can be reduced to neat little packages. If it could, much of the wealth and miracle of mystical experience would be lost.

The ease or otherwise with which Virgo fulfills its goal may be shown by other planets in the birth chart. Suppose you have the Moon in Sagittarius for instance. To feel safe (which is what the Moon in us wants) you would need a sense that life is bigger than everyday experience, that there is a religious or philosophical framework within which life makes sense, and you may be moved to travel a lot to enrich your experience. But this might rest uneasily if you have Sun in Virgo which might regard such experiences as a waste of time and of no practical use. So a tussle is set up within you, and you have to learn to hon our all aspects of your nature.

August Birthstone

Traditionally, a birthstone is associated with each month of the year. For example, the birthstone for January is a garnet, while lucky babies born in April get a diamond as their birthstone.

The origin of birthstones is believed to date back to the breastplate of Aaron which contained twelve gemstones representing the twelve tribes of Israel. The current list dates back to 1912 with only one addition since then – the tanzanite was added to December.

There are numerous legends and myths about birthstone healing powers and their therapeutic influence. According to these legends, wearing a gemstone during its assigned month heightened its healing powers. For the full effect, individuals needed to own all twelve and alternate them monthly.

Two birthstones are available for August birthdays: Peridot and Sardonyx.


Peridot is said to host magical powers and healing properties to protect against nightmares and to bring the wearer power, influence, and a wonderful year.  As peridot is a gemstone that forms deep inside the Earth and brought to the surface by volcanoes, in Hawaii, peridot symbolizes the tears of Pele, the goddess of fire and volcanoes.  Today, most of the peridot supply comes from Arizona; other sources are China, Myanmar, and Pakistan.  This gemstone comes in several color variations ranging from yellowish green to brown, but most consumers are attracted to the bright lime greens and olive greens.  Peridot, in smaller sizes, often is used in beaded necklaces and bracelets.

Healing powers of the Peridot - Healing stress in relationships, lessening anger and jealousy, and slowing aging, the Peridot promotes abundance and prosperity.


Sardonyx  is a form of onyx and is recognized by its layers of reddish brown and white banding.  It was popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans who carried into battle talismans of sardonyx engraved with images of heroes such as Mars or Hercules, believing that this would bring courage and victory.  Because of its attractive banding, sardonyx has long been used to fashion cameos (carved raised figures) and intaglios (the reverse of cameos). 

This gemstone is found throughout the world.  The most attractive specimens are found in India, but material also is mined in Czechoslovakia, Brazil, Uruguay, Germany, and in the United States.