Charitable Monthly Spotlight - HAG

This month I'm showing my support for HAG, an organization that helps people with Sugar Gliders who are having a tough time caring for them. It's not a hand-out but a hand-up.... more like Goodwill for Gliders than anything else. To learn more about this awesome organization, click here.

What is a sugar-glider?

“Sugar Gliders” are small marsupials in the same general family as a Kangaroo or Koala Bear. They are originally from the rainforests of Australia and Indonesia , and have been domestically bred as household pets in the United States for the last 12-15 years.

Often called 'pocket-pets', they are super soft and adorable. However, they also need a ton of care and upkeep. Since they're so dang adorable, many people will get one as a 'cool' pet not knowing exactly what it takes to raise them.

I've learned a ton about these cute critters as I've been a proud Sugar Glider Mama for the past 4 years. We're huge animal lovers in my house... along with our glider we also have a dog, a cat, and a bird. Just a bit of a zoo going on over here!

I discovered HAG last year while researching on my glider - I like to keep up-to-date on the latest news and techniques in raising these exotic animals. I was so impressed with both the mission of HAG as well as the knowledge and passion shown by founder Amanda Nojoe, that I knew I wanted to show my support. Which brought me to the question...

How can I help?!

Simple. I've decided to donate 10% of my total January sales from my website,, to HAG!! With each purchase you make from Blue Copper Jewelry you'll be getting beautiful jewelry and helping a great cause, all at the same time! It doesn't get much easier than that does it?!

Featured Jewelry - Week 3

All designs are currently available at
To see more details on any of these pieces, just click on the link directly below the photo.

Getting ready to ring in 2015 in style? That's why this week I'm highlighting some beautiful and sparkly designs in classic black, white and gray. Happy New Years to you... and stay safe out there!

Gray Agate 'Door Knocker' Earrings

Silver Crystal and Pearl Bracelet

Snowflake Obsidian Nugget Necklace

Silver Pearl and Black Crystal Bracelet

Black and White Agate Earrings

Featured Jewelry - Week 2

Here are 5 more original jewelry designs currently available on my website, To see more details on any of these pieces, just click on the link directly below the photo. I sure hope you all enjoy. 
This week I'd like to highlight some of the gemstones I work with. As beaded bracelets are what got me started down the path of creating my own jewelry brand, this week I'll be showcasing semi-precious stones through bracelets. Happiest of holidays to you all!!
Fresh water pearl
Lapis lazuli

Happy Birthday Capricorn

Capricorn - the Goat 
12/22 - 1/19

Basic Traits:

Capricorn's are also philosophical signs and are highly intelligent too. They apply their knowledge to practical matters, and strive to maintain stability and order. They are good organizers, and they achieve their goals by purposeful, systematic means. They are very intuitive, although they don't share this trait with others freely. They do not deal well with opposition or criticism but a healthy Capricorn will often shrug off negative comments towards their character. They are patient and persevering - they know they can accomplish any task as long as they follow a their plan step-by-step. Capricorn's have broad shoulders, and typically take on others problems with aplomb. Ironically, they rarely share their own problems and tend to go through bouts of inner gloom after a spell of dwelling on these problems.

The Deeper Meaning:

Capricorn witnesses to the importance of the social order in which one lives, its proper functioning, and the personal fulfillment which can be found through finding one's true place within it. Capricorn follows Sagittarius in the zodiac. Sagittarius is concerned with finding a philosophical or religious framework in which life makes sense, but is not necessarily interested in the practical implications. All the earth signs, of which Capricorn is one, give substance to the ideas of the preceding fire sign. For Capricorn, it is not enough to have a grand idea about the meaning of life. The meaning is lost unless it can be contained within the social order in which people live. Ethical ideas (Sagittarius) must be worked out in terms of socially responsible behavior (Capricorn).

For all earth signs, it is all too easy to lose sight of the inspiration whose practical working out it is the task of the earth sign to witness to. For Capricorn, this can lead to meaningless drudgery within a conformist setting, and morally upright attitudes divorced from the spiritual insights which can give them life. You may frequently encounter, even love, people who challenge you in this area, and compatibility with such people may seem difficult. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which was the boundary of the known universe in ancient times (before Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were discovered), and how to deal with the experience of boundaries is one of the prime issues with which people with Capricorn or Saturn strong in their charts have to deal. We live in a world in which it is necessary to live within boundaries - the issue is, are the boundaries we experience real or imaginary, imposed or self-imposed? Do we live within the real limitations that being alive in this world entails, or are we constrained by fear from stepping out into a larger experience of life?

If you have planets in your birth chart in the signs either side of Capricorn, Sagittarius or Aquarius, then you might experience a strong pull away from the limitations implied by Capricorn. The Moon in Sagittarius, for instance, would indicate a longing for the freedom to imagine a life without limitation, an inclination to put mundane life into a mythological or philosophical context which can help lift one out of the very earthy requirements of Capricorn. This would be a part of your nature which needs to be honored and a place found for it in your life.

Featured Jewelry - Week 1

This is the first of a new weekly post where I'll be highlighting up to 5 of my original jewelry designs currently available on my website, To see more details on any of these pieces, just click on the link directly below the photo. I sure hope you all enjoy. :)

For this initial week I'd like to jump things off with what I love best... Copper!

Square Copper Dot Earrings

Triplet Copper Sparkle Bracelet

Hammered Copper Chain Pendant

Copper Chain Chandelier Earrings

Copper Goddess Statement Necklace

See you next week with more goodies!!