Pisces - the Fish
2/19 - 3/20
Basic Traits:
Also unassuming, the Pisces zodiac signs and meanings deal with
acquiring vast amounts of knowledge, but you would never know it. They
keep an extremely low profile compared to others in the zodiac. They
are honest, unselfish, trustworthy and often have quiet dispositions.
They can be overcautious and sometimes gullible. These qualities can
cause the Pisces to be taken advantage of, which is unfortunate as this
sign is beautifully gentle, and generous. In the end, however, the
Pisces is often the victor of ill circumstance because of his/her
intense determination. They become passionately devoted to a cause -
particularly if they are championing for friends or family.
The Deeper Meaning:
In western mythology, life began in the Garden of Eden, in Paradise,
in perfect harmony with the divine. Then we became conscious of
ourselves as separate human beings through an act of disobedience, and
were cast out of Paradise. The Catholic Church still refers in its
liturgy to the 'happy fault' which this act of disobedience was, for it
gave us the opportunity to become fully human, which in turn led to the
coming of God as a human being in order to restore us to Himself, but in
a more complete way than we ever would have experienced had we never
left Paradise.
Pisces witness to the difficult task of straddling this divide -
between the human and the divine. More than any other sign, perhaps,
Pisces experiences normal human life as limited, for it excludes so much
that can make life more complete. Yet even Pisces have to live as
human beings in a world full of limitations. Coming to terms with the
necessity to live in a world separate from Paradise can be an immense
problem. Some may attempt to live as if exclusion from Paradise had
never happened, and live life in a constant daydream, totally
ineffective in the world as it is. Others, however, may learn to live
life in the human arena in such a way as to infuse it with divine
meaning. Pisces is often associated with music, dance, drama and other
forms of art, as these can give a sense that there is something beyond
life lived at the simply human level, and can open up people's awareness
to a richer reality than that lived in day to day living. Alcohol and
drugs can also provide awareness of another dimension, but used
unwisely, they are regressive rather than progressive, and represent an
escape to the womb rather than an advance to a richer life infused with
wealth from a spiritual dimension.
Coming after Aquarius in the zodiacal sequence, Pisces also has
ideals, but whereas in Aquarius these are mentally formulated, in Pisces
they are formulated more in terms of wanting a feeling connection
between people. Aquarius may experience Capricorn as bound by
structures. Pisces may experience Aquarius as bound by mentally
conceived ideas which inhibit a more inclusive awareness of the
connection between people. Compatibility in love with people with either
sign strong in their horoscopes may be an issue. In the end, we are
made for union with the divine, not for life in a community formed by
the ideals of logical analysis.