Featured Jewelry - Week 11

All designs are currently available at BlueCopperJewelry.com
To see more details on any of these pieces, just click on the link directly below the photo.

Last night my daughter went to a birthday party. But it wasn't just any birthday party... it was a quinceniera. For those of you who are unfamiliar, it's a celebration for a 15 year old girl who is entering the world of young adulthood. In the process of discussing what we should give as a gift, it got me to thinking about what exactly are today's teenagers into... so this week, I'll be showcasing jewelry designs that would make any teenager girl say 'OMG... I #love it!!'

Purple crystal bracelet
Love my cat earrings
Pink and purple wrap bracelet
Star power charm
Heart charm bracelet

Happy Birthday Pisces

Pisces - the Fish 
2/19 - 3/20

Basic Traits:

Also unassuming, the Pisces zodiac signs and meanings deal with acquiring vast amounts of knowledge, but you would never know it. They keep an extremely low profile compared to others in the zodiac. They are honest, unselfish, trustworthy and often have quiet dispositions. They can be overcautious and sometimes gullible. These qualities can cause the Pisces to be taken advantage of, which is unfortunate as this sign is beautifully gentle, and generous. In the end, however, the Pisces is often the victor of ill circumstance because of his/her intense determination. They become passionately devoted to a cause - particularly if they are championing for friends or family.

The Deeper Meaning:

In western mythology, life began in the Garden of Eden, in Paradise, in perfect harmony with the divine. Then we became conscious of ourselves as separate human beings through an act of disobedience, and were cast out of Paradise. The Catholic Church still refers in its liturgy to the 'happy fault' which this act of disobedience was, for it gave us the opportunity to become fully human, which in turn led to the coming of God as a human being in order to restore us to Himself, but in a more complete way than we ever would have experienced had we never left Paradise.

Pisces witness to the difficult task of straddling this divide - between the human and the divine. More than any other sign, perhaps, Pisces experiences normal human life as limited, for it excludes so much that can make life more complete. Yet even Pisces have to live as human beings in a world full of limitations. Coming to terms with the necessity to live in a world separate from Paradise can be an immense problem. Some may attempt to live as if exclusion from Paradise had never happened, and live life in a constant daydream, totally ineffective in the world as it is. Others, however, may learn to live life in the human arena in such a way as to infuse it with divine meaning. Pisces is often associated with music, dance, drama and other forms of art, as these can give a sense that there is something beyond life lived at the simply human level, and can open up people's awareness to a richer reality than that lived in day to day living. Alcohol and drugs can also provide awareness of another dimension, but used unwisely, they are regressive rather than progressive, and represent an escape to the womb rather than an advance to a richer life infused with wealth from a spiritual dimension.

Coming after Aquarius in the zodiacal sequence, Pisces also has ideals, but whereas in Aquarius these are mentally formulated, in Pisces they are formulated more in terms of wanting a feeling connection between people. Aquarius may experience Capricorn as bound by structures. Pisces may experience Aquarius as bound by mentally conceived ideas which inhibit a more inclusive awareness of the connection between people. Compatibility in love with people with either sign strong in their horoscopes may be an issue. In the end, we are made for union with the divine, not for life in a community formed by the ideals of logical analysis.

Charitable Monthly Spotlight - 30 Hour Famine

This month I'm showing my support for 30 hour famine, an organization that works with hundreds of thousands of students in the U.S. — and thousands more around the world — to unite through World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine to feed hungry children and families. To learn more about this awesome organization, click here.

Why did I choose to support 30 Hour Famine?!

My daughter has such a huge heart. As part of a Senior project, she decided to do a fundraiser for this awesome charity throughout the month of February. Here are her words...

I'm going without food for 30 hours to raise money so others can eat — because it's not right that nearly 19,000 children under 5 are dying every day. The good news? You can help.  Just $35 will help feed and care for a child for a month! All you have to do is click one of the orange buttons below to give your gift! (Which is tax-deductible.) 

Other ways you can help:
If you aren't able to help monetarily, please help by sharing this page on your Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pintrest, Google+, Snapchat, anywhere. Get the word out and help children in need!

How your donations help stop hunger: 
World Vision fights hunger by: -Teaching parents improved farming techniques. -Equipping families to grow crops and raise healthier livestock. -Improving access to clean water for nutritious harvests. -Helping children get basic medical care (because hunger is linked to nearly half of all preventable child deaths). -Supporting malnutrition centers when there's a food crisis. -Providing emergency food supplies when there's a disaster. 

Who you're giving your money to:
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization with more than 60 years of experience, although I am not necessarily religious, World Vision is trusted by more than a million donors in the U.S. They are honest, effective, and stretch donations by combining them with grants and product donations to make a huge impact for children and families in need in nearly 100 countries!

How can I help?!

Simple. I've decided to donate 10% of my total February sales from my website, BlueCopperJewelry.com, to 30 Hour Famine!! With each purchase you make from Blue Copper Jewelry you'll be getting beautiful jewelry and helping a great cause, all at the same time! It doesn't get much easier than that does it?!

If you'd like to donate directly to the cause, just follow this link

Featured Jewelry - Week 10

All designs are currently available at BlueCopperJewelry.com
To see more details on any of these pieces, just click on the link directly below the photo.

I love working with colors! Bright and bold, or dark and sultry, color can set a mood and bring an outfit together. This week I'm showcasing the wonderful color orange!


Orange carnelian and natural wood bracelet
Carnelian drop earrings
Boho chic, mixed media charm
Faceted orange agate earrings
Orange agate bracelet


Featured Jewelry - Week 9

All designs are currently available at BlueCopperJewelry.com
To see more details on any of these pieces, just click on the link directly below the photo.

This week I'd like to bring the focus up to the face with these fabulous earrings. To me, earrings are like shoes... a gal can just never have enough pairs!


Pewter Hamsa Earrings
Blue Agate Cluster Earrings
Bali Lantern Earrings on Chain
Tigers Eye Dove Earrings
Copper Sand Dollar Earrings


February Birthstone

Traditionally, a birthstone is associated with each month of the year. For example, the birthstone for January is a garnet, while lucky babies born in April get a diamond as their birthstone.

The origin of birthstones is believed to date back to the breastplate of Aaron which contained twelve gemstones representing the twelve tribes of Israel. The current list dates back to 1912 with only one addition since then – the tanzanite was added to December.

There are numerous legends and myths about birthstone healing powers and their therapeutic influence. According to these legends, wearing a gemstone during its assigned month heightened its healing powers. For the full effect, individuals needed to own all twelve and alternate them monthly.


Amethyst, the gemstone believed by ancient Greeks and Romans to ward off the intoxicating powers of Bacchus, also is said to keep the wearer clear-headed and quick-witted.  Throughout history, the gemstone has been associated with many myths, legends, religions, and numerous cultures.  English regalia were even decorated with amethysts during the Middle Ages to symbolize royalty. It has been associated with many myths, legends, religions, and numerous cultures. Amethyst is purple quartz, a beautiful blend of violet and red that can found in every corner of the earth. Historically, the finest amethyst were found in Russia and were featured in much royal European jewelry. 

Today, while Brazil is the primary source of this gemstone, fine material can be found elsewhere, especially in Zambia.

 Healing powers of Amethyst - Aids in the reduction of insomnia, arthritis, pain relief, and circulatory issues. Amethyst is considered the gemstone of meditation, peace, balance, courage, and inner strength.