This month I'm showing my support for 30 hour famine, an organization that works with hundreds of thousands of students in the U.S. — and thousands more around the world — to unite through World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine to feed hungry children and families. To learn more about this awesome organization, click here.
Why did I choose to support 30 Hour Famine?!
My daughter has such a huge heart. As part of a Senior project, she decided to do a fundraiser for this awesome charity throughout the month of February. Here are her words...
I'm going without food for 30 hours to raise money so others can eat — because it's not right that nearly 19,000 children under 5 are dying every day. The good news? You can help. Just $35 will help feed and care for a child for a month! All you have to do is click one of the orange buttons below to give your gift! (Which is tax-deductible.)
Other ways you can help:
If you aren't able to help monetarily, please help by sharing this page on your Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pintrest, Google+, Snapchat, anywhere. Get the word out and help children in need!
How your donations help stop hunger:
World Vision fights hunger by: -Teaching parents improved farming techniques. -Equipping families to grow crops and raise healthier livestock. -Improving access to clean water for nutritious harvests. -Helping children get basic medical care (because hunger is linked to nearly half of all preventable child deaths). -Supporting malnutrition centers when there's a food crisis. -Providing emergency food supplies when there's a disaster.
Who you're giving your money to:
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization with more than 60 years of experience, although I am not necessarily religious, World Vision is trusted by more than a million donors in the U.S. They are honest, effective, and stretch donations by combining them with grants and product donations to make a huge impact for children and families in need in nearly 100 countries!
How can I help?!
Simple. I've decided to donate 10% of my total February sales from my website,, to 30 Hour Famine!! With each purchase you make from Blue Copper Jewelry you'll be getting beautiful jewelry and helping a great cause, all at the same time! It doesn't get much easier than that does it?!
If you'd like to donate directly to the cause, just follow this link.
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